URI MENA and Desert Bloom CC along with 30 participants of “Resilience & youth work” Study Visit in Amman, created spaces of exchange during one week in Jordan. Desert Bloom CC hosted a Study Visit on Resilience and Youthwork in Jordan from 4-12 June 2023, co-funded by the European Union under Erasmus Plus. Participants were social workers, youth leaders, educational and career counsellors, teachers, general educators, trainers, mentors, coaches from II countries (Jordan, Poland, Georgia, Portugal, Romania, Latvia, Tunisia, Palestine, Germany, Syria and Lithuania). Four URI CCs participated in this event along with Desert Bloom; Jordan Seeds of Peace, Mercy, Debating Club (Syria) and Beit Ashams for Self-Development (Palestine). Study visits have been organised to learn from good practices from Souqfan and the Royal Health Awareness Society as well as to Petra and Wadi Rum.